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ISU Communication 2339: Grand Prix Series 2020-2021


The ISU has decided to hold the 2020 senior Grand Prix Series as previously scheduled, but with format changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

[…] In line with the powers granted to the Council as per Article 17.1.q) of ISU Constitution, the Council agreed in principle to the proposal that each individual ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating event of the season 2020/21 becomes a domestic run event. The Council agreement in principle remains subject to the ISU and each of the six organizing ISU Grand Prix Members reaching a detailed agreement.

The participation in each individual ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating event would be limited to:

Competitors and Officials of the host country andCompetitors regularly training in the respective host country andCompetitors from other ISU Members who will be assigned to a Grand Prix of Figure Skating event in the respective geographical area, always subject to the applicable travel, entry and sanitary restrictions of the concerned countries.

All relevant details such as applicable disciplines included in each ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating event, number and criteria/ conditions/restrictions of invited Competitors’ entries, qualification criteria for the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final, cost responsibilities, qualification and number of Officials, ISU financial & other assistance including Prize Money to the organizing ISU Members, will be worked out by a dedicated ISU Council appointed Working Group in cooperation with the six organizing ISU Members of the individual Grand Prix events and, subject to Council approval, will be published as soon as possible.

Each ISU Grand Prix event will be organized in accordance with the host country’s national health/sanitary requirements. Unless being in conflict with such national health/sanitary requirements, the ISU Guidelines to hold ISU Events during the COVID-19 Pandemic shall basically also apply. These Guidelines are currently being prepared and will be published as soon as possible.

For the sake of fairness, no World Standing/Ranking points will be awarded and the scores obtained by the Competitors shall not count towards the Minimum Total Elements Scores applicable for ISU Championships (Point 3 below to be considered in this respect).

The ISU Grand Prix events will in principle be broadcasted by the usual right holding media partners of the ISU respectively the organizing ISU Members.

The staging of the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final, time being planned to be held on December 10-13, 2020 in Beijing as Test Event for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games, will be discussed with the ISU’s Chinese counterparts in order to conclude whether and when the Final can be held and under which conditions. The ISU will update the stakeholders as soon as a conclusion can be confirmed.

Challenger Series in Figure Skating

Similar to the situation of the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating, the holding of Challenger Series events during the season 2020/21 will most likely be complicated and if held, only be accessible to a limited number of Competitors. The Council therefore decided that for the sake of fairness, no World Standing/Ranking points will be awarded and the scores obtained by the Competitors shall count towards the Minimum Total Elements Scores only if the respective ISU Rules (Rule 420 and ISU Communication 2303) are respected (Point 3 below also to be considered in this respect).

ISU Figure Skating Championships 2021 – Minimum Total Element Scores

As stated in ISU Communication 2332, the Council decided to keep the same Minimum Total Element Scores necessary for participation in the 2021 ISU Figure Skating Championships and earned at competitions in the season 2019/20 and in the season 2020/21 as approved for the 2020 Championships. However, the Council at that time also indicated, and herewith reiterates, that in case that due to the COVID-19 pandemic an extended number of International Competitions will be cancelled during the fall of 2020, that the Council will review the situation in regard to the Minimum Total Elements Score again latest at the time of the October Council meeting.

Next Council meeting:

The Council will meet again online on August 28, 2020

ISU Junior Grand Prix Series 2020/21 cancelled - International Skating Union


Since the last ISU Council meeting on July 6, the ISU has been informed of increased travel and entry restrictions which would seriously complicate the travel of Junior Skaters with the consequence that some ISU Members simply cannot or do not feel comfortable to send Junior teams to the remaining ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating countries. Furthermore, the potential extensive sanitary/ medical care measures (including possible quarantine) would put an unsustainable burden on the organizers.

Based on the advice of the Medical Commission and the Council appointed Working Group, the ISU Council has therefore concluded that the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating events of the season 2020/21 cannot be maintained and that all events of the series must be cancelled.

If later during the season the pandemic developments and situation change and allow for the safe organization of international junior indoor events and some ISU Members wish to host an International Competition for Juniors, the ISU would consider financially assisting interested ISU Members, subject to receiving a detailed proposal. Preference will be given to ISU Members that had previously been allotted an ISU Junior Grand Prix event for the 2020/21 season

The ISU regrets the cancellation of this popular junior series even though it is in line with the ISU policy to put the safety and health of event participants as the number one priority.

The ISU Council will meet again online on August 3 to evaluate the pandemic developments and related situation and to update the season planning for the ISU senior Events.

[2020.07.13] News Roundup


1) The Japanese Skating Federation will not send skaters to the 2020 Junior Grand Prix Series or the first five Challenger Series events (Asian Trophy, Autumn Classic International, Nebelhorn Trophy, Finlandia Trophy, Budapest Trophy) due to the situation surrounding COVID-19. [source]

2) ISU releases Communication 2335 detailing decisions made at the Council’s July 6th meeting. [source]

  • The 2021 World Championships will have the same allotment of spots per country as the 2020 World Championships, which did not take place.

  • The remaining 5 events of the Junior Grand Prix Series will still take place for the moment. Skaters will not receive rankings for their placements. A decision on whether the JGPF will be held and how skaters would qualify without rankings is pending and will be discussed in a later meeting. There will be no pre-allocated entries to the JGP and national federations can choose which events to send their skaters to.

  • Competitions in the 2020 Challenger Series will no longer be held as a series, but as individual events. There will be no Challenger Series rankings or prize money for skaters who participate in these events. Skaters may still gain World Standing points if the events meet the criteria to qualify as Challenger events (minimum number of entries, etc.)

  • The next ISU Council meeting will take place on Aug. 3.

3) GP Cup of China is still scheduled to take place. The Chinese General Administration of Sport announced last week that China would no longer hold international sporting events through 2020 except for Olympic trial events. The ISU confirmed with the Chinese Olympic Committee that as Cup of China is related to the Grand Prix Final, the Olympic trial event, it is still scheduled to take place for the moment. [source]

[2020.07.09] News Roundup


[2020.07.03] The Japanese Skating Federation cancelled the Junior Grand Prix event scheduled for Sept. 16-19 in Yokohama, due to COVID-19. Following the ISU Council’s latest meeting on July 6, the Junior Grand Prix Series is still scheduled to continue (for now). There are 5 events remaining.

[2020.07.08] ISU Communication 2334 released: 2020-21 Levels of Difficulty and GOE Guidelines, replacing ISU Communication 2254 from the 2019-20 season. The “q” sign that was introduced in an earlier ISU Communication is back. Jumps that land exactly a quarter-rotation short will be marked with “q” and receive a deduction in GOE, but full base value.

[2020.07.09] China’s Xinhua News reports that all international sporting competitions in China will be cancelled through the end of 2020, except Beijing Olympic trial events. Figure skating events scheduled in China in the fall of 2020, which will likely be cancelled, include CS Asian Open Trophy (already postponed) and GP Cup of China. The 2020 Grand Prix Final in Beijing is an Olympic trial event and would not be affected by this ruling. China is also hosting the 2021 Junior World Championships in March.

Check out our Twitter (@sywtwfs) for more news and updates!

ISU Communication 2332


The current schedule for the 2020 Junior Grand Prix Series is as follows (previously planned events in Canada and Slovakia have been cancelled). The schedule is subject to changes and cancellations.

  • Budapest, HUN, Sept 9-12

  • Yokohama, JPN, Sept 16-19

  • Ostrava, CZE, Sept 23-26

  • Tashkent, UZB, Sept 30 - Oct 3

  • Ljubljana, SLO, Oct 7-10

  • Riga, LAT, Oct 14-17 (newly added)

Minimum technical element scores for the 2021 ISU Championships will remain the same as for the 2020 ISU Championships. “In case that due to the Covid-19 pandemic an extended number of Competitions are cancelled during the fall 2020 the Council will review the situation in regard to the Minimum Total Elements Score again at the time of the October Council meeting.”

Suspension of the new 2020-2021 Scale of Values and Level/GOE Guidelines; 2019-2020 documents remain in effect. “Considering the worldwide COVID-19 developments and the slow re-opening of ice rinks and training activities and also based on feedback received from ISU Members, the Council decided to suspend with immediate effect the above-mentioned ISU Communications 2323 and 2324. The corresponding previous ISU Communications 2253 and 2254 remain basically in force. The Council, in cooperation with the Single & Pair Skating Technical Committee, is currently evaluating whether and to what extent some clarifications and minor adjustments to ISU Communications 2253 and 2254 would be necessary, and if so, will issue a new ISU Communication shortly.”

ISU Communications 2323 and 2324 were summarized in this post.

2020-2021 Singles & Pairs Scale of Values & Level/GOE Guidelines


NOTE: As of 6/18/2020, the ISU has suspended the following two communications for the 2020-2021 season. The SOV and Level/GOE Guidelines from the 2019-2020 season will remain in effect.

ISU Communication 2323: 2020-21 Scale of Values

Notable changes:

  • Base value of 3Lz decreased from 5.90 to 5.30 (now same as 3F)

  • Base value of 4Lo increased from 10.50 to 11.00 (now same as 4F)

  • Base value of 4Lz decreased from 11.50 to 11.00 (now same as 4F)

  • Base values of death spirals are now separated based on backwards/forwards entry as well as inside/outside edge. (Previously, forward inside/backward inside had the same base values, and forward outside/backward outside had the same base values). In order of increasing base value: Forward Inside, Backward Inside, Backward Outside, Forward Outside.

ISU Communication 2324: 2020-21 Level & GOE Guidelines

Notable changes:

  • New sign for marking jump rotation: A “q” sign indicates a jump that landed a quarter rotation short. (< is for jumps between a quarter and half rotation short, < < is for jumps half a rotation short or more.) “q” will not reduce the base value of the jump like < or < <, but will reduce the GOE. GOE for jumps with “q” are listed in the Scale of Values. The “q” sign can apply to both solo jumps and throw jumps in pairs.

  • Spin entrance/exit: Difficult exit to a spin is now a level feature, but does not count in a spin that also has a difficult entrance, or vice versa. Windmills will no longer be considered a difficult entrance or exit.

  • Pair spins: The lady can be lifted off the ice during the spin, but the man must stay on one foot.

  • Poor/cheated jump takeoff: Including full-blade takeoff on a toe jump, toe axels or excessive rotation on the ice at takeoff. GOE of -1 to -3.

More changes are underlined in the document.

ISU Communication No. 2312


Notable news from the ISU Council:

1) Following a vote by ISU Members, the 2020 ISU Congress, previously scheduled for June 2020 in Phuket, Thailand, will be postponed to May/June 2021 at the same location. The deadlines for submission or amendment of proposals for the Congress have been extended.

2) The ISU will announce after their meeting on April 16 whether the 2020 World Championships will be completely cancelled or postponed to the fall of 2020. (According to knowledgeable sources, it is highly likely that the competition will be completely cancelled.) UPDATE: The 2020 World Championships have been definitively cancelled.

3) As the pandemic prevents skaters from training normally, the rhythm dance requirements for the 2020-21 season will remain the same as the 2019-20 season. “Slight changes” to the SOV, GOE and levels for various disciplines will be published in future ISU communications.

2020 World Championships in Montreal Cancelled


News roundup regarding the cancellation of the 2020 World Championships in Montreal. Please follow our twitter for real-time updates.

Skate Canada announcement:

With the uncertainty surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Skate Canada and the International Skating Union (ISU), were informed today by the Government of Quebec that they have cancelled the ISU World Figure Skating Championships® 2020. The event was scheduled to take place from March 16-22, 2020 in Montreal at Centre Bell.

Skate Canada and the International Skating Union (ISU) have closely monitored the provincial and federal health authorities position on the spread of the virus and fully respect the difficult decision made today.  Like the authorities, Skate Canada and the ISU are committed to the health and safety of the athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and spectators.

Many stakeholders have been affected by the cancellation of the world championships, and Skate Canada and the ISU will be communicating directly with each group in the coming days. Any fan who has purchased tickets directly from the official ticket provider Evenko will receive details on the refund process in due course.

Skate Canada, in partnership with the local organizing committee, Patinage Quebec and all our partners, looked forward to hosting figure skating’s flagship event in Montreal. We thank you all for your efforts and commitment as we prepared to deliver a world-class event.

ISU announcement (excerpt):

Considering the current uncertain developments surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, a rescheduling and/or relocation of the above-mentioned Championships within the current season, even if the season would be extended by several weeks after its normal end in early April, cannot be reasonably considered. During the coming weeks, the ISU will evaluate in cooperation with all stakeholders whether the ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2020 could possibly be held later in the year, but in any case not before October 2020. Before taking a final decision, the ISU will remain in close contact with Skate Canada and ISU Members.

Evenko regarding ticket refunds:

Clients that purchased via or by phone will automatically receive a refund on the credit card used to make the purchase. Please note that refunds can take up to ten (10) business days depending on the financial institution.

Customers that purchased their tickets in person must return to the Bell Centre Box office to obtain their refund.

Thanks to all skaters for the 2019-2020 season, and thanks to our followers for their support! We wish everyone a safe and healthy off season.

Team USA: 2020 ISU Championship Assignments



  • Men: Nathan Chen, Jason Brown, Vincent Zhou (alt: Tomoki Hiwatashi, Andrew Torgashev, Camden Pulkinen)

  • Ladies: Mariah Bell, Bradie Tennell (alt: Karen Chen, Amber Glenn, Starr Andrews)

  • Pairs: Knierim/Knierim, Cain-Gribble/Leduc (alt: Calalang/Johnson, Kayne/O'Shea, Denney/Frazier)

  • Dance: Chock/Bates, Hubbell/Donohue, Hawayek/Baker (alt: Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons, McNamara/Carpenter)


  • Men: Jason Brown, Tomoki Hiwatashi, Camden Pulkinen (alt: Alex Krasnozhon)

  • Ladies: Bradie Tennell, Karen Chen, Amber Glenn (alt: Starr Andrews, Gabriella Izzo)

  • Pairs: Knierim/Knierim, Kayne/O'Shea, Calalang/Johnson (alt: Denney/Frazier, Lu/Mitrofanov, Serafini/Tran)

  • Dance: Chock/Bates, Hubbell/Donohue, Hawayek/Baker (alt: Carreira/Ponomarenko, Green/Parsons, McNamara/Carpenter)


  • Men: Andrew Torgashev, Ilia Malinin, Maxim Naumov (alt: Dinh Tran, Eric Sjoberg, Lucas Altieri, Liam Kapeikis)

  • Ladies: Alysa Liu, Starr Andrews, Lindsay Thorngren (alt: Audrey Shin, Gabriella Izzo, Isabelle Inthisone, Calista Choi)

  • Pairs: Finster/Nagy, Smirnova/Siianytsia, Deardorff/Johnson (alt: Fleming/Isbell)

  • Dance: Nguyen/Kolesnik, Wolfkostin/Chen, Brown/Brown (alt: Cesanek/Yehorov, Delcamp/Somerville, Ling/Wein)

Source: 1, 2, 3