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Thank you for your interest in Skate & Die, the SYWTWFS Discord! The chat server was established in 2016 as a place for new and old fans alike to watch skating events together, discuss skating, and ask questions.

All users must obey the following rules while participating. Please be familiar with the rules before entering the chat server.

1) No hate speech (based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) will be tolerated. You will immediately be banned from the server if you use hate speech.

2) Respect skaters. Mean-spirited and offensive comments about skaters are not tolerated. What is “rude” is up to the discretion of the management team. You will receive warnings if you violate this rule, and management will explain why you received a violation. If you continue to violate this rule despite repeated warnings, you will be banned from the server. Constructive criticism of skaters and observations about their skating are fine, as well as discussion of scores and judging. Do not wish for skaters to bomb - even if you want your fave to win, it is ultimately more rewarding when everyone performs well. Please do not talk about shipping skaters. Respect their privacy. What constitutes a violation of privacy is also up to the discretion of the management team.

3) Respect other users. Personal attacks against and harassment of other users is strictly forbidden. Violations of this rule will follow the same consequences as above (warnings, banned for serious/repeated violations). If you have a problem with another user, notify a mod or admin.

4) Do not scream or spam during competition live chats. With many people talking at once, the chat can get very hectic. Limit the use of capslock. Do not keysmash. Do not simply yell the skater’s name. If several people have already said the same thing, you don’t need to repeat it. Try to limit one-word messages, especially if they have already been repeated many times. Write a sentence in one message instead of breaking it up into several lines. If management tells you to quiet down, listen to them, or you will be assigned to a time-out role and unable to send messages.

5) Check the pinned posts for streams and information before asking for them. We will not give you links or info if you don’t check the pins first. Streaming links and other important information are available on our blog. Important links are also pinned in the channels of the chat server - check the pin icon in the top right-hand corner of the channel.

6) Please post in the correct channel. Channels are listed on the left-hand side of the screen. Please discuss skating events in the appropriate event channel. Questions about skating - especially in-depth ones - should be posted in the #questions channel. Explanations of the purpose of each channel are available in #general, as well as in the channels themselves.

7) Discuss potentially triggering topics only in the #sensitive-topics channel. You will receive warnings for posting triggering topics in the wrong channel or without content warnings, and kicked or banned from the server for repeated violations.

8) Do not post explicit or offensive content. Explicit photos are prohibited, including in display icons. Please limit explicit language, including in usernames. Swearing is allowed, in moderation. You will receive warnings for posting offensive content. If we see offensive content in your username or icon, you will be contacted by management and potentially kicked from the server if you refuse to remove it.

9) Skating discussion takes precedence over other topics. Non-skating conversations are allowed, but please do not derail skating conversations when they are happening or when someone starts one.

10) Do not repost translations or user-provided streaming links outside of the server without permission. Doing so is a bannable offense.

11) Do not share the server link in large, public online spaces without first notifying the management team. Examples include Reddit, forums, etc. Sharing with friends is fine. If you are unsure, please ask management.

12) Do not repost informational posts (results, event details, etc.) compiled by an admin or a mod in other public online spaces (other servers, forums, forms of SNS). These take time and effort to compile. You will be banned if management is notified of this happening.

Management reserves the right to add to or revise the rules if necessary. To give feedback or address a problem in the server, please contact an administrator or a moderator. We hope you enjoy your stay!