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2016 Junior World Championships: Info & Streaming


The Junior World Championships start in Debrecen, Hungary this week! More information will be added to this post as it appears. Don’t forget to check out the preview of the singles competitions!

Results, entries, etc. | Detailed schedule | Website


Times listed below are in Central European Time (UTC+1). See here for major time zone conversions (thanks @mirrorhands!) or convert to your own time zone.

Mar. 16: Men’s SP 11:00; Pairs’ SP 18:45
Mar. 17: Short Dance 12:30; Pairs’ FS 19:00
Mar. 18: Ladies’ SP 10:15; Men’s FS 18:00
Mar. 19: Ladies’ FS 13:00; Free Dance 18:30
Mar. 20: Gala 15:00


ISU: The ISU stream will show the entire competition live. This stream is blocked in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, USA, Canada, Latin America, Australia, and Singapore.

Icenetwork: Subscribers in the US can watch the entire competition (excluding the gala) live on Icenetwork.

CBC: Canada’s CBC will stream the free skates and gala live on their website. Official stream (blocked outside of Canada). There will also be a TV recap on Mar. 19 at 3:00PM.

Fuji TV: Japan’s Fuji TV will air parts of the singles free skates in delayed broadcasts on Mar. 20 at 02:50 JST (men’s FS) and 16:05 JST (ladies’ FS). Unblocked stream

Youtube: If you can’t watch live, videos from the competition will be uploaded to Youtube pretty quickly, so you can always catch up later. Search skaters’ names and filter by upload date for the latest videos.

Other TV channels might also air parts of the competition. Check your local TV schedules for other skating broadcasts.