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2020-21 South Korean Ranking Competition: Info & Streaming


The Ranking Competition, along with the National Championships, determines South Korea’s national team for the upcoming season. The Ranking Competition has no effect on 2021 World team selections. The competition will be held without an audience.

Results/Protocols (download): Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 (TBD)

Entries (download) | Schedule (download) | Website

Type: Domestic competition

When: Mar. 12-14

Where: Gyeonggi, South Korea

Level & disciplines: senior & junior ladies, men

Schedule (GMT+9)

  • 3/12: Jr Men’s SP 09:00; Jr Ladies’ SP 09:21

  • 3/13: Sr Ladies’ SP 09:05; Sr Men’s SP 12:15; Jr Men’s FS 13:30; Jr Ladies’ FS 14:10

  • 3/14: Sr Ladies’ FS 12:45; Sr Men’s FS 16:19

Notable senior entries: Young You, Eunsoo Lim, Haein Lee, Yelim Kim, Ahsun Yun, Seoyeong Wi, Hanul Kim, Jihun To, Yeonjeong Park, Junhwan Cha, Sihyeong Lee, Younghyun Cha

How to watch: The KSU will livestream the competition on their Youtube channel. Videos will be archived on their blog.