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2021 JGP Slovakia: Info & Streaming


The third Junior Grand Prix event will take place in Kosice, Slovakia this week. Don’t forget to subscribe to our calendar to see competition times in your time zone!

Note: The Japanese federation will not be sending skaters to this JGP due to issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Results | Entries | Schedule | ISU

Type: Junior Grand Prix

When: Sept. 1-4

Where: Kosice, Slovakia

Level & disciplines: junior ladies, men, ice dance, pairs

Schedule (UTC+2)

  • 9/2: Men’s SP 10:45; Pairs’ SP 15:00; Women’s SP 17:10

  • 9/3: Rhythm Dance 12:00; Men’s FS 14:35; Pairs’ FS 19:15

  • 9/4: Free Dance 10:30; Women’s FS 13:20

Notable entries: Corey Circelli, Younghyun Cha, Aleksandr Golubev, Kirill Sarnovskiy, Ilya Yablokov, William Annis, Lara Naki Gutmann, Chaeyeon Kim, Sofia Muravieva, Adeliia Petrosian, Mariia Zakharova, Veronika Zhilina, Mia Kalin, Ava Marie Ziegler, Kseniia Akhanteva/Valerii Kolesov, Polina Kostiukovich/Aleksei Briukhanov, Anastasia Mukhortova/Dmitry Evgenyev, Natalie D’Alessandro/Bruce Waddell, Vasilisa Kaganovskaia/Valeriy Angelopol, Ekaterina Rybakova/Ivan Makhnonosov, Margarita Svistunova/Dmitrii Studenikin, Sofya Tyutyunina/Alexander Shustitskiy

How to watch: Free livestreams on the ISU JGP Youtube channel