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Filtering by Tag: canadian nationals 2020

2020 Canadian National Championships: Info & Streaming


The 2020 Canadian National Figure Skating Championships will take place in Mississauga, Ontario, and will be one of the competitions that will decide Canada’s Four Continents, Junior World, and senior World teams. Competitions will be held at the novice, junior, and senior levels. Here’s a guide on how to watch! This post will be updated with more info as it appears.

Live results & starting orders | Detailed schedule | Website


Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5). Subscribe to our Google Calendar to get all competition times in your own time zone, including novice and junior events!

Jan. 17:

  • 12:45PM Ladies’ SP

  • 3:33PM Rhythm Dance

  • 5:33PM Pairs’ SP

  • 7:25PM Men’s SP

Jan. 18:

  • 10:30AM Pairs’ FS Group 1

  • 11:20AM Ladies’ FS Group 1-2

  • 1:28PM Free Dance

  • 3:13PM Ladies’ FS Group 3

  • 5:23PM Men’s FS Group 1

  • 6:39PM Pairs’ FS Group 2-3

  • 7:57PM Men’s FS Group 2-3

Jan. 19:

  • 2:00PM Gala


Be careful of popups and ads on free streaming sites. We are not responsible for the quality of the streams; we only provide the links. Many streams for major figure skating events have geographical restrictions. In order to unblock streams, consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Free VPN services are available online, but the most reliable ones usually require a fee.

Fan streams:Stream 1. Channel may stream parts of the competition. Check the channel when events are on.

Skate Canada: Skate Canada will livestream all of the novice and junior events, some senior practices, and early groups of the senior events on their Dailymotion channel. The streams are free and available worldwide. See the streaming schedule for more details.

TSN: Canada’s TSN channels will air the later groups of the senior competition live. Broadcast schedule in EST:

CTV: Canada’s CTV channels will air the later groups of the senior free skates live. Broadcast schedule in EST:

  • 1/18: Free Dance & Ladies’ FS Group 3 2:00PM (CTV, partially live)

  • 1/18: Men’s FS Group 2-3 8:00PM (CTV, live)

  • Official stream (blocked outside of Canada)

RDS: Canada’s RDS channel will air parts of the competition live. Broadcast schedule in EST:

  • 1/17: Rhythm Dance 3:00PM (RDS, live)

  • 1/17: Men’s SP 8:00PM (RDS, live)

  • 1/18: Free Dance & Ladies’ FS Group 3 2:30PM (RDS2, partially live)

  • 1/18: Men’s FS Group 2-3 7:30PM (RDS, live)

  • Official stream (blocked outside of Canada)

On demand: Skate Canada will archive their Dailymotion livestreams. For more videos, search skaters’ names on Youtube and filter by upload date for the latest videos.