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Filtering by Tag: cup of nice 2014

2014 CS Skate Canada Autumn Classic & Cup of Nice


The Grand Prix is just around the corner, but first we have two more small competitions this week. SC Autumn Classic is part of the Challenger Series and only just gained international status this year. Cup of Nice (Coupe de Nice) is another fairly well-known Senior B competition (but not part of the Challenger Series). Besides all four senior disciplines, Cup of Nice will also hold competitions for junior ladies and men. More links will be added to this post as they become available.


Results, entries, schedule etc.

When: Oct. 14-17
Where: Barrie, ON, Canada
How to watch: Free livestream
Notable entries: Nam Nguyen, Kevin Reynolds, Alexander Johnson, Ross Miner, Gabrielle Daleman, Julianne Seguin, Angela Wang, Meagan Duhamel/Eric Radford, Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier, Nicole Orford/Thomas Williams, Alexandra Paul/Mitch Islam, Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron, Sara Hurtado/Adria Diaz


Results & entries

When: Oct. 15-19
Where: Nice, France
How to watch: Free livestream
Notable entries: Elizabet Turzynbaeva (jr), Andrei Lazukin (jr), Miyabi Oba, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Keiji Tanaka, Alexander Petrov, Marie Vartmann/Aaron Van Cleave, Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise, Vera Bazarova/Andrei Deputat