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Filtering by Tag: jgp latvia 2024

2024 JGP Latvia: Info & Streaming


The Junior Grand Prix begins this week in Riga, Latvia! Remember to subscribe to our calendar to see events in your own time zone!

Results Schedule | Entries | ISU

Type: Junior Grand Prix
When: Aug. 28-31
Where: Riga, Latvia
Level & disciplines: junior women, men, ice dance, pairs

Schedule (UTC+3)

  • 8/29: Women’s SP 11:00; Pairs’ SP 16:40; Men’s SP 19:00

  • 8/30: Rhythm Dance 11:00; Pairs’ FS 13:35; Women’s FS 15:50

  • 8/31: Men’s FS 11:00; Free Dance 15:35

Notable entries: Anthony Paradis, Shunsuke Nakamura, Sena Takahashi, Jaekeun Lee, Aleksandr Fegan, Lulu Lin, Sarina Joos, Nayeon Ko, Ikura Kushida, Mao Shimada, Anastasia Brandenburg, Annika Chao, Jazmine Desrochers/Kieran Thrasher, Jiaxuan Zhang/Yihang Huang, Olivia Flores/Luke Wang, Sandrine Gauthier/Quentin Thieren, Darya Grimm/Michail Savitskiy, Noemi Maria Tali/Noah Lafornara, Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen

How to watch: Free livestreaming on the Skating ISU Youtube