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Filtering by Tag: russian nationals 2015

2015-16 Russian & Japanese National Championships: Info & Streaming


The Grand Prix Final has closed on the first half of the 2015-16 season, as skaters now turn their attention towards their national championships. Two major national championships will take place in Russia and Japan this week, and competition will be fierce as top skaters fight for a spot at the ISU Championships later this season.

More information will be added to this post as it appears.


Entries & results

When: Dec. 24-27
Where: Ekaterinburg
Level & disciplines: senior men, ladies, pairs, dance
Notes: Russian Nationals is one of the competitions used to decide the European and World teams. If the federation has not decided the World team after Nationals, the results of Euros may also become a determining factor.


Local times; UTC+5. Convert to your time zone.

12/24: Men’s SP 14:00; Pairs’ SP 18:15; Short dance 20:30
12/25: Ladies’ SP 14:00; Men’s FS 16:45; Free dance 20:00
12/26: Pairs’ FS 15:00; Ladies’ FS 17:30
12/27: Medal ceremonies 13:00; Gala 14:00


NTV Sport will broadcast the entire competition and gala live. Streams: Stream 1, Stream 2

Match TV will broadcast the first two days of the competition live. Streams: Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, Stream 4, Stream 5, Stream 6

ESPN 3 will air the entire competition live. The official stream is blocked outside of the USA and only available to viewers who have ESPN 3 on cable. will stream the entire competition live. These streams are blocked outside of Russia.

Youtube: Videos from the competition will probably be uploaded to Youtube soon after they air.


Entries & results
Detailed schedule
Unofficial live scores & reports

When: Dec. 25-28
Where: Sapporo
Level & disciplines: senior men, ladies, pairs, dance; junior pairs
Notes: Japanese Nationals is one of, but not the only, deciding factor for the 4CC and World teams. The top skaters from junior nationals are invited to compete at senior nationals; juniors must modify their programs to suit the senior layout. The gala is called “Medalists on Ice” and usually invites a few skaters from other countries to participate. Fans are not allowed to take videos at Japanese skating events, so all videos will have to come from official sources.


Local times; UTC+9. Convert to your time zone.

12/25: Short dance 15:00; Jr Pairs’ SP 16:05; Pairs’ SP 16:35; Men’s SP 17:25
12/26: Ladies’ SP 13:45; Men’s FS 17:55
12/27: Free dance 13:00; Jr Pairs’ FS 14:15; Pairs’ FS 14:50; Ladies’ FS 15:55
12/18: Gala 17:00


Fuji TV and its associated channels will broadcast the competition in Japan. A complete broadcast schedule can be seen here. The broadcasts are usually slightly delayed from real time, but the later groups are sometimes shown live. Broadcast schedule for singles in local time:

  • 12/25: Men’s SP 18:30-21:24 (last few groups live?)

  • 12/26: Ladies’ SP & Men’s FS 18:30-23:10 (delayed?)

  • 12/27: Ladies’ FS 19:00-21:24 (last few groups live?)

  • 12/28: Gala 18:00-19:54 (partially live?)

  • Streams: Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, more mirrors

Youtube: Videos from the competition will probably be uploaded to Youtube and/or Dailymotion soon after they air.