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CAS Dismisses Canadian Appeal in 2022 Olympic Team Event Case


CAS Media Release

The ranking announced by the ISU on 30 January 2024 is confirmed as follows:

  1. United States of America 65 pts (gold)

  2. Japan 63 pts (silver)

  3. Russia 54 pts (bronze)

The Appellants had sought a ruling from CAS re-ranking the figure skating Team Event as follows: re-ranking the figure skating Team Event, as follows: United States of America (Gold); Japan (Silver); Canada (Bronze).

Following the hearing that took place on 22 July 2024, the Panel of CAS arbitrators in charge of the matter deliberated and concluded that the results of the Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva in the Olympic Figure Skating Team Event were correctly disqualified, without any possibility in the ISU Rules to re-allocate points in favour of Team Canada, following the retroactive disqualification of Kamila Valieva.

The Panel issued the Operative Part of the Arbitral Award. The full award, with the grounds for the Panel’s decision, will be issued as soon as possible.

Skate Canada states that they accept the CAS decision.

The ISU statement regarding the medal ceremony:

the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will award the medals during a special ceremony which will be held at the Champions Park in Paris on August 7, 2024 for the gold and silver medallists. Further to today’s decision, the ISU is in contact with the IOC to determine the next steps for the third place.