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Minimum Technical Scores for 2025 ISU Championships


ISU Communication 2657

Starting in the 2024-25 season, skaters must achieve the following combined (SP+FS) technical element scores in order to participate in the 2025 ISU Championships. Scores are valid from the 2023-24 and 2024-25 seasons. SP and FS scores used to calculate the combined score may be earned from different competitions.

See also: Skaters who have achieved the technical minimums (“Combined Total Elements Scores for the current & previous season”)

2025 World Championships

  • Men: 104 (previously 34 + 64 = 98)

  • Women: 90 (previously 32 + 53 = 85)

  • Pairs: 88 (previously 29 + 46 = 75)

  • Ice Dance: 94 (previously 35 + 52 = 87)

2025 European & Four Continents Championships

  • Men: 86 (previously 28 + 46 = 74)

  • Women: 75 (previously 25 + 42 = 67)

  • Pairs: 75 (previously 25 + 42 = 67)

  • Ice Dance: 85 (previously 30 + 48 = 78)

2025 Junior World Championships

  • Men: 80 (previously 25 + 44 = 69)

  • Women: 72 (previously 25 + 40 = 65)

  • Pairs: 63 (previously 23 + 34 = 57)

  • Ice Dance: 71 (previously 24 + 38 = 62)