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CAS Dismisses ROC Appeal in 2022 Olympic Team Event Case - Canadian Appeal Pending


CAS Media Release

Lausanne, 25 July 2024 – The CAS Panel in charge of the appeals filed by the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) (CAS 2024/A/10355), the Figure Skating Federation of Russia (CAS 2024/A/10360), and Russian skaters Aleksandr Galliamov, Nikita Katsalapov, Mark Kondratiuk, Anastasia Mishina, Victoria Sinitsina and Kamila Valieva (CAS 2024/A/10356) (collectively, the Appellants) against the re-ranking decision announced by the International Skating Union (ISU) on 30 January 2024 (the Challenged Decision) in relation to the final standings for the Team Event in figure skating at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 has issued its decision: the appeals are dismissed.

The Appellants had sought a ruling from CAS re-ranking the figure skating Team Event and awarding the gold medal to the ROC. Following the hearing that took place on 12 June 2024, the Panel deliberated and concluded that the results of Ms Valieva in the Olympic Figure Skating Team Event were correctly disqualified in the Challenged Decision, and that the ROC Skating Team could not be awarded the gold medal. Consequently, the above-mentioned appeals are dismissed. The Panel issued the Operative Part of the Arbitral Award. The full award, with the grounds for the Panel’s decision, will be issued as soon as possible.

The second CAS Panel, different from the first, constituted to resolve the related, but separate, appeal (CAS 2024/A/10354) filed by Canadian skaters Madeline Schizas, Piper Gilles, Paul Poirier, Kirsten Moore-Towers, Michael Marinaro, Eric Radford, Vanessa James and Roman Sadovsky, together with, Skate Canada and the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) (collectively, the Canadian Appellants), held a hearing at the CAS headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland on 22 July 2024.

The Canadian Appellants also seek a ruling from CAS re-ranking the figure skating Team Event, as follows: United States of America (Gold); Japan (Silver); Canada (Bronze).

The second CAS Panel is now deliberating. It is not possible to indicate at this time when the second Panel’s decision will be issued.

Following the CAS decision on ROC’s appeal, the IOC stated that they would work with the ISU and US/Japanese Olympic Committees to hold a medal ceremony at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.


This decision comes just in time to still be able to make the medal allocation for gold and silver possible during the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

The IOC will now work with the @ISU_Figure, USOPC and the JOC to bring the athletes to Paris in order to hold the ceremony here in the Champions Park based on the amended results from the ISU.

We are glad that this opportunity can be offered to the athletes and teams who, unfortunately, had to wait for a very long time for their medals due to the ongoing legal case.

Christine Brennan of USA Today Sports reports that the medal ceremony is planned for August 7, although this is yet to be confirmed with the IOC.